A360 fusion
A360 fusion

a360 fusion

Orbital friction welding, which is a combination of linear and rotary friction welding was introduced in th e ea rl y 19 70 s. In linear friction welding, which has been used since the 1980s, the parts move under friction pressure relative to each other in a reciprocating fashion so that a small linear displa cement (amplit ude) in the plane of the joint can be made. Fo r we ld in g, th e tw o co mp on en ts ar e brought together under application of pressure. In rotary friction welding, which has been use d com mer cial ly sin ce the 194 0s, one com pon ent is ro ta te d ar o un d it s ax is wh il e t he ot he r re ma in s st at io na ry. Th e ke y to FW is th at no mo lt en materi al is genera ted and the weld being formed is in the solid state. Th e re la ti ve mo tio n is th en st op pe d an d a hi gh er fin al com pre ssi ve for ce may be app lied befor e the joi nt is al lo we d to co ol. The friction heating generated at the interface so ft en s bo th co mp on en ts, an d wh en th ey be co me plasticised, the interface material is extruded out of the ed ge s of th e jo in t so th at cl ean ma te ri al fr om ea ch co mp on en t is le ft al on g th e or ig in al in te rf ac e.

a360 fusion

Tr ad it io na ll y, FW is ca r ri ed ou t b y mo v in g on e co mp on en t re la ti ve to th e ot he r al on g a co mm on interface while applying a compressive force across the joint.

A360 fusion